Category: Uncategorized

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Upgrade to Unity 2018.3

Unity is heavy software, and during the upgrade to 2018.3 I had to wait several hours. A great time to start writing a story in good old Notepad+ A good story, I think, doesn't paint the world black and white, but involves hard choices that are neither good or bad....

The church and UMA

The last few days I spent implementing a new environment: the church. Collecting the right assets (both graphics and music) and setting the right tone was quite a task, but here we are. I've also started the implementation of UMA, a very powerful but also very complicated system that will...

Close-up shots

Today I made something pretty complicated, to grab the attention of the player when it's needed. The music changes and the camera moves from the player position to an important object the player needs to investigate. The camera stays there for a few seconds, and then moves back to the...

Selectable enemies

When you're outside melee radius and left-click, you obviously can't hit the enemy with a melee attack. What you can do though is select him for a magic attack. Until now magic attacks were sent either to the clicked enemy or the closest enemy (when triggered from keyboard), but now...

Fully functioning inventory

We've got ourselves a first version of the inventory. It keeps tabs of all items you find and displays these in the inventory slots. The inventory window itself can fade in and out. Now visually this may not look very impressive, but there's quite some code behind all this: it...

Static inventory window

Today I had my game playtested a bit by Noah and Aska, my two sons who are both avid gamers. I got lots of feedback on the combat, which has all been implemented. The player now sees himself as an icon on the minimap, a bug with AoE spells was...